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Changed: 4 months, 2 weeks ago
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Approved Voters: 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Intro: There are a growing number of key ideals that need to be legalised globally to counter act the problems of today and to provide a way forward to the solutions of tomorrow. The limiting factor in societal growth is education and persuasion, what we know and what we do with it. Everything that has ever been said ether needs correcting or to be expanded upon. All of future history depends on your input.
Price: 0 Entry Fee + 0 Subscription Fee + Dictionary Entry Fee + Dictionary Subscription Fee
Views: 335
Changed: 6 months, 1 week ago
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Approved Voters: 6 months, 1 week ago
Intro: The science of unbelief is about gaining higher knowledge that dissolves the criteria for believing in what is considered common knowledge or even just available knowledge forwards unto heaven
Price: 200 Entry Fee + 22023000 Subscription Fee + Dictionary Entry Fee + Dictionary Subscription Fee
Views: 388
Changed: 7 months, 1 week ago
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Approved Voters: 7 months, 1 week ago
Intro: This is all about doing not-doing. or learning to sit and chill, to relax into life and to see doing is doo-doo most of the time.
Price: 10000 Entry Fee + 10000 Subscription Fee + Dictionary Entry Fee + Dictionary Subscription Fee
Views: 398
Changed: 7 months, 1 week ago
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Approved Voters: 7 months, 1 week ago
Intro: To the letter of the law, we interpret our rule system as rigidly and non-expansively as possible. The least minimal borders of our language are what we talk about, we do not try to extend the letter of the law, so once we have an interpretation we need not re-do it and make it more expansive.
Price: 20000 Entry Fee + 2000 Subscription Fee + Dictionary Entry Fee + Dictionary Subscription Fee
Views: 407
Changed: 7 months, 1 week ago
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Approved Voters: 7 months, 1 week ago
Intro: Imagine you have a family, where blood is thicker than water, you want to dive into this term and really understand what it means, you and your family are always at peace, but it doesn't mean you don't want to resolve your differences of dispute.
Price: 10000 Entry Fee + 10000 Subscription Fee + Dictionary Entry Fee + Dictionary Subscription Fee
Views: 438
Changed: 8 months, 1 week ago
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Approved Voters: 8 months, 1 week ago
Intro: Let's be unimpressed... thoroughly
Price: 1 Entry Fee + 1 Subscription Fee + Dictionary Entry Fee + Dictionary Subscription Fee
Death aint certain, death me yesterday, damn you dead, oh shit pot luck. Bleed after me, drain my blood, bleed bloood blood aint free, bleed for purpose, pleasure for glory, bleed unto us, bleed unto, blood unto blood, blood unto bloarders, blood unto bleeding, blood is bloody, bloody aint bleeding, bleeding bleeding, blood is blood, bleeding bleeding, blood blood, bleeding bleeding blood bleeding bleeding blood. Tooth in nail. Nail in board. Board in nail. Nail in head. Head in nail. Nail in head. Head to nail. Nail the head. Head the nail. Islain snail. Snail the head. Head the snail. sail the head. head to sail. sail a head. buy a booby, bitches is nudey, nude is dudey, dudi nuti. Nuti duti. Duti nuti. Nute the duti. Dute nuti. Isna nuti, nisna nute nit nuti nute ti duti duti duti ti nuti. tit ti nuti nute de duty duty nuti nuti duty. islain misnail snail misnail snail misnail snail snail. snail his snail. his snail is snail. he sa snail. sa snail da mail. mail da snail. snail da mail. mail da mail. snail snail. isno snow snail ne now. now ne snail. isna nail.